Sunday, October 31, 2010

Say Yes to the Dress

I've heard of that TV program that showcases wedding dresses.  And I've heard of the prices of some of the dresses.  Twenty thousand dollars for a wedding dress????  I have trouble paying for ANYTHING with that many zero's on the price tag.  Especially a one time shot at wearing a dress!  Fortunately Ally was much more sensible than that.  Although I've never spent as much as I did on one article of clothing.  When I got the call from Binnie when they were trying on the dresses (the call where everyone was crying) I didn't know what to expect.  But I could tell from the tone of the call that they found "the one".  And it was more or less what I expected. (It was priced toward the higher end of my limit...whatever that limit was...I still don't know! But it wasn't NEAR...even close... to $20K!!))  But they found "the one".  So I couldn't say no.  And they put the deposit on the dress.  A non-refundable deposit.....which is important to the rest of this post.  Everyone was happy.....I didn't expect them to find "the one" so quickly but they did.  About a week later Binnie and Ally found the perfect shoes for the dress.  Very reasonably priced, I might add.  And still everyone was happy.......until.....I recieved an e-mail from Ally about the dress.  She didn't want to talk to me in person about it......which may have been a good thing.  She was having second thoughts....not about getting married....but about the dress.  The same dress with the non-refundable deposit.  Yep....non-refundable.  I remained calm because that was all I could do.  The other dress she was considering was half the price.....but Binnie and I didn't even want to think about giving someone else all that deposit money for nothing.  I could tell Ally was having a hard time with it as well.  She was feeling terrible about having a change of mind about the dress.  I figured the best thing was to just let it settle in to both of our minds.  Give it a few days.  Ally went to try "the other dress" on again.  I'm not sure of her feelings about it.  But a couple of days later... sure a snap of the fingers....Ally told me, calm as can be, that she had decided to stick with the original.  Crisis averted....           

1 comment:

  1. im not a brat- just putting that out there. its a legitimate fear so that everyone knows. thanks :) love ya daddy
